Here's the thing, I have been ill again, that prompted me to recall a funny story I have to tell you, (see the previous post).
Rants and Raves - I did warn you!
Well, my rant is about people who refuse to look after themselves. That alone makes my blood boil, especially when they start complaining about being ill or overweight, tired all the time or just under the weather!
Look at me, I'm approaching 46 and I actually never develop a cold or develop an illness myself.. I know, I know.. I'm ill... But, annoyingly, like last year (Dec 08 through to end of April 08 ) I was ill similarly, because other people nurse their cold and barking cough to plague level then come 'round to visit.
I've told everyone I know and my eldest kids (22 & 23) not to come and visit if they are ill, because I don't want to catch it. To me it is only common courtesy. I will always cover my mouth when coughing or sneezing. But, you know... people are so uncaring and idiotic...
I have had asthma & bronchitis all my life, it never stops me from doing anything I want to do. Positive mindset and all that! I do wrap-up warm when I need to, but under day to day living I always make sure I'm wearing the same level of clothing insulation on a daily basis.
When I'm home I'll strip to my 'T-shirt' indoors, jumper if it's cold. But I always make sure I've got my Thermal 'Benny Hat' as I call it - and my jacket / leather or fleece on when I'm going out. Even if I'm just going out to put the dust-bin out!
I don't care what the experts and doctors say - 'They say' - you cannot catch a cold or develop a cold, head cold or chest cold, by just being cold for a few minutes (or hours)..
Well, I'm sure they have that wrong, (or maybe I have misunderstood, perhaps they mean catch the Flu, or whatever). All I know is, if I find myself outside without my hat, in the cold, especially if there is a cold or icy wind blowing,, BANG. I catch or develop a head cold.
I get the head-aches and the thumping throbbing pain and runny nose - HOW CAN THAT BE A FIGMENT OF MY IMAGINATION? They say... "Its all in the mind" WELL, THE COLD IS - are they trying to be funny or something, because I don't get the joke!
The other day my daughter visited, she had been walking her dog (30 minutes walk away) and had not intended to come out as far as she did. Wearing only a thin jacket and T-shirt with a naked waist-line, jeans and trainers with no-socks.. When I realised she was sat talking to her mum (my wife Michelle), in the kitchen, I looked in on them..
I had heard her voice, but also the incessant sore-throat tone and coughing and sniffing sound she was making.. LET ME TELL YOU.. You cannot challenge these types of people who have this mentality. -But me being me and 'they' being 'my daughter' and being 'IN MY HOUSE', I rise to the challenge of putting my point across and kicking them out!
Am I being unfair? Am I being RUDE? Am I not a nice person for speaking out as I do?
Well, I think I am justified. She, 'my daughter', had been in the kitchen about half-an-hour before I realised she was there.. She'd been filling my kitchen with smoke from her cigarette, I actually only noticed it when I felt my chest tightening (asthma), from the smell of her smoke, (I was in the living room)!
My point is, if I can smell and breathe in her smoke from the kitchen and indeed smell it all over the house, once I had come out of my work trance, (I'll explain in a later post ' work-trance' but suppose you know what I mean if I just say engrossed in my work). I must surely have been breathing in all her cold and sore-throat germs too. I had inadvertently been breathing it in all that time without really realising it!
Well, today I'm ill. I woke this morning with a sore-throat that I cannot even swallow with, without the aid of water or honey! - My head is banging, my chest is heaving and I won't even tell you what else as you can imagine what I'm coughing up...
OK - So its all in my mind is it? I did this to my-self, its my own fault. LOOK, my throat was prickling up even before I sort of realised my daughter was in the house, I was not thinking of illness nor sore-throats. My mind was away with the fairies on whatever I was working on!
I do agree the mind is a powerful tool, that is the only reason I am able to be sat here typing this now. I'm going off to do some exercise after writing this. One of my self-talk statements is - .
You have to think well, when you're ill!
Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest, after all you're the only-one here for me to talk to! Grumpy old man kicks daughter out of house!