Hello. This is my new blog.
*I needed a place just to get my rants and raves down, this should fit the bill, without - err... The Bill..
*Great, it's free! - I love to meet new people, find out what you are doing and exchange ideas for making money and spending money. That's a cue for my first rant...
Rant#1 (No rank - just what's getting to me today)!
Although I enjoy making money online, its not the be all and end all of everything for me.
I hate to see those flashy money makers, splashing money out on flash expensive cars and massive houses, when there are people going hungry in the world.
Like a friend of mine who drives a car costing nearly £100,000 UK GBP! Some people don't spend that on a house! Yet he's afraid to park anywhere in it, like shopping centre car parks, city centre or even in the road / lane where he lives. Decadence and stupidity seem to be fine bed-fellows in my opinion.
Hey.. That's all this is, "my opinion". I just want to know if you agree! Comment on this post, maybe we could chat sometime. Request a Skype with me! (I don't just like to bleat my skype all over the net, so I won't just post it here, there and everywhere). I'll put a post later for you to contact me privately - (maybe).. Look through this blog.
So this pal-o-mine, he knows how I feel about it, especially as I remind him of it each time he comes to see me. My driveway is about the safest place he can ever leave his car, out of all the places he needs to visit. Result = When ever he needs to go into the city, he calls for a taxi. Airport, - even though he could pay for executive parking - with valet service, still he uses taxis.
Literally everywhere he goes, he travels in a taxi - So, (especially for a petrol head, who loves cars), what's the point in owning it? Also - he owns a small city - car, but guess what! His other problem is IMAGE! - He claims he doesn't like to be seen in it, it's just for the wife!
What's the point??? I earn a great income, making money online as an Internet marketer. I like to drive a reasonably priced car, that suits my family needs. Yet, people have come to believe that just because you can show them how to make money online, that means that you must automatically own a flash car that costs enough to feed a third world country for a month!
Now, I don't want to stretch the point, you know what I'm talking about, but that philosophy runs throughout most everything I do. But then that is what and who I am, I'm not saying everybody else should be like me. Its that I just don't get it!
I like to save money where-ever possible, I'm not a skin-flint or anything, I just don't understand why some people feel the need to over-do everything. Like, (a small rant), Why some people have to put masses of Christmas lights all over their house? Doh?
What's that all about? To me it just says, 'Look at me, I'm a decadent idiot, who cares nothing for the planet, (carbon footprint and all that stuff ), my neighbours, (who'd want to live next to that type of eye-sore each year), or what other people think of them!
Worst still, (even though I wouldn't want to rob anyone of their so called Christmas spirit), is when these Christmas-light-a-holics are on social benefits! Their electric bills being paid by taxes, paid by government hand-outs. How can they justify the expense!
I've been there myself, so I'm not just talking off the top of my head. A few years ago I had nothing, until I discovered Internet marketing. Back then, it was a case of make-ends-meet or go hungry.
I started my business, scrimping and scraping. I could simply justify having only lights on the Christmas tree, and trimmings, spending whatever we could on the few presents we had saved for, or bought though out the year. Mostly, any extra money was spent on food so that we could have a larger get-together family meal for the festive occasion. That's what its really all about!
If you are contemplating burying your house in Christmas lights, instead... Why not ask in the street if anyone who is not putting up lights, would like you to put one of your sets- up in their garden / roof / window.. They pay the bill, their house looks nice, the whole street looks better AND MORE EVENLY LAID OUT, (you know what I'm talking about), and furthermore, your neighbour relations will improve! (Otherwise, - just leave the things in the box - in the loft)!
Sell your stupidly expensive car, especially if it costs more than £30k GBP or $30k USD, buy a cheaper and probably more economic car and if you can't think of anything else to spend the savings on, give the money to a hospital charity for children / orphanage or medical research.
All the best - I mean it....
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